Ask Izzy
Ask Izzy is a free and anonymous resource to help you to find local services across a wide range of needs. Developed by InfoExchange, Google, REA Group and News Corp.
Your Toolkit
Your Toolkit is designed by Financial Toolbox for women facing domestic violence and financial abuse. It includes information and guides to support women on their journey to an independent, confident and safe life.
You, Me and Money
You, Me and Money is a financial toolkit for young couples. Drawing on research into economic abuse and young adults, it provides tips on talking about money and key money moments in relationships.
Financial Safety Checklist
The WEstjustice Financial Safety Checklist was developed for financial counsellors to work through with clients experiencing family violence. Although the checklist was developed in Victoria, some questions and actions may be relevant for people in other parts of Australia. 
Respectful Relationships and Money
A conversation kit to give you the information and skills to have conversations about money in a respectful way with friends, intimate partners, family, and service providers.
Federal government initiative that helps Australians take control of their money and build a better life with free tools, tips and guidance.